Examples of Our Technologies –> Sweat Collection and Sensing Patch
Contact UsThis flexible and unobtrusive bio-sensing patch provides chronological sweat collection and storage with real-time sweat rate analysis and an incorporated biosensor platform customizable to mission needs. The design eliminates cross-contamination between samples and enables easy sample recovery for post analysis. CRG’s design for sweat collection, analysis, and storage have been combined into a compact 2” diameter and 0.125” thick form factor. Click here to view the full tech sheet.
The sensor empowers greater insight into operator health and performance by offering:
- Chronological Sweat Collection – Chronological collection and storage of sweat with isolation to valves minimize cross contamination
- Easy Sweat Extraction – Simple extraction of sweat for post analysis with minimal introduction of contaminates
- Low-Cost Materials – Small, flexible form factor made from single use, disposable materials offer an economically friendly solution
- Real-Time Feedback – Continuous, flexible sensors provide real-time, high-resolution analysis of sweat rate and output
- User-Friendly Data – Mobile app UI with Bluetooth connection records and displays real-time sweat rate for 5+ hours
- Customizable Physical Training – Real-time sweat rate data to tailor workouts and hydration levels for individualized use